Bringing in the New Year is always a great opportunity to make things fun and fresh, and we are certainly getting to do that here at Of Witches and Warlocks! Along with the new look of our redesigned webpages, we are getting a makeover for not one, but two of the books!
Book one, The Trouble with Spells, will be getting a NEW LOWER PRICE, NEW INTERIOR FORMAT, and a NEW COVER when it makes the move over to it's NEW PUBLISHER, Global Authors Publications, the wonderful company which produced books two and three of this series! Since this means that The Troubles with Spells will now be getting a cover that 's more in keeping with the design of book three, Blood of the White Witch, we couldn't leave out book two, The Demon Kiss! It will be getting a new cover to match the look as well. The above photo will give you an idea of the current mock-ups, but be aware these are not the official images yet. We will post those as soon as we get them!
If all of that NEW doesn't excite you, then try this one. After the re-release of book one, all of the books will also be made available in e-book format, usable on every e-reader currently available on the market. This means instant downloads of the series at the extremely reasonable price of $3.99 per book!
So when is all of this NEW stuff happening? These projects are all currently in the works as you read this post with a projected time frame of the end of February 2011, if everything goes on schedule!
Be sure to keep an eye out for the release of book four, The Dark Rising, this coming year also! It will be release sometime in April!
In other news, you may have noticed we've streamed lined the site a bit, getting rid of some of the pages. There are too many reviews of the books to keep up with on a review page now, so we suggest you search the books on sites like Goodreads, to check out other reader/blogger reviews.
Also, any upcoming media events such as book tours/signings will now be posted on the home page for easier viewing access. There should be a book tour happening in March. We'll post those dates when we get them! We will post links here to new blog/radio/television interviews with Lacey as well.
You may have noticed a new page listed in the navigation bar. The Delusional Diaries is Lacey's book review site, so hop on over there for some of her reviews on some great books by other authors that are out there right now.
Of course, we kept our fan favorite pages. The Sample Chapters page will give you a little taste of all the books that are currently published, including chapter one of book three now, and the Character Stories page has some fun little tales in it too. And there was no way we would get rid of one of the most popular pages on the site, the Matt Lanter page. That page rakes in hundreds of hits daily and we are thrilled to have the opportunity to promote Matt! He's such a great person, and we can't stop loving him since he was the inspiration behind our beloved Vance Mangum. So be sure to check him out and give him some support too!
We hope you will keep coming back to check out the new things that happen with us this year, and we hope that you will all have a great NEW YEAR too!! Be Safe!!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Second Edition of The Trouble with Spells coming!
All of us here at the Of Witches and Warlocks camp are very excited to announce the impending arrival of a second edition of book one in the series, The Trouble with Spells. This book is going to be reproduced by the wonderful publisher for the second two books in the series, Global Author's Publications.
The original version of book one was in advertently produced with the unedited version of the manuscript in it. This new edition will have the correct version of the story which will include a new cover design, more description, several unread scenes that weren't in the current edition, and of course, none of the grammatical errors that made it into that copy! Estimated arrival time for the new edition is projected to be at the end of February 2011, so keep an eye out for it!
The original version of book one was in advertently produced with the unedited version of the manuscript in it. This new edition will have the correct version of the story which will include a new cover design, more description, several unread scenes that weren't in the current edition, and of course, none of the grammatical errors that made it into that copy! Estimated arrival time for the new edition is projected to be at the end of February 2011, so keep an eye out for it!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Now On Sale!
Of Witches and Warlocks: Blood of the White Witch is now available for purchase! Available anywhere books are sold by order or you can click on the purchase links in the sidebar.
Friday, October 15, 2010
The Official Cover for Blood of the White Witch!
Here it is folks! The official cover for Blood of the White Witch! We are happy to see this one, since the original files for this cover were lost in a hard drive crash. It required some major tweaking of the original design because the images were never able to be retrieved in their full resolution. But all is well that ends well right? We are loving the new design and hope you will too!
UPDATE: Blood of the White Witch has gone to print!! Official release date to be announced soon!
UPDATE: Blood of the White Witch has gone to print!! Official release date to be announced soon!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Project Update: Blood Of The White Witch
Blood of the White Witch has finished with the approval of the final manuscript edits. It has now been sent back to the publisher for final formatting and cover design. It won't be much longer now!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
New Review
New review posted for book one The Trouble With Spells. To read it click here Asamum Booktopia. Also be sure to check out her post from yesterday, featuring a blurb about the book and Matt Lanter. Please keep checking out the Matt Lanter page on this website as well. It is updated frequently as Matt has been up to a lot of fun things lately. So come join in on the discussions there!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Now on Kindle!
Book 2 Of Witches and Warlocks: The Demon Kiss is now available on Kindle at the bargain price of $4.99! Don't have a Kindle? That's ok!! It's also available for download onto your PC! Or get a Kindle app for whatever device you do have!! Go to Amazon to purchase your ebook by clicking on the Amazon Kindle link in the sidebar!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Now Available in E-book!
The Demon Kiss is now available in e-book format here on the website for $4.99 through paypal. It will also be available for Amazon Kindle download this week for the same price! Book one, The Trouble with Spells, is available in e-book format through it's publisher as well. Download you e-books today by clicking the links in the sidebars!
New Review
Here's another chance to sample a bit of book 3, Blood of the White Witch, with a new review that has been posted at Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory book reviews.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
First Book Review for Blood of the White Witch
As many of you know, book three in the Of Witches and Warlocks series, Blood of the White Witch is coming out in October. A few select book reviewers were given the opportunity to review the ARC of this book before publication. Here is the very first review of that book that has been released. You can view it by clicking HERE to go to the host site The Bookish Snob. More reviews will be forthcoming and we will post links here as well so keep checking back!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Slight alteration to cover for book 3!
A while back we had a contest and let readers pick their favorite cover design for book three, Blood of the White Witch. There was an unfortunate hard drive crash shortly afterward and that original file was lost. We carefully worked on the recreation of that file to get it looking as close as we could to what it was before. There were a couple of font changes to the cover, but during the redesign we decided to add an image into it too. So thank you for your votes, and we hope you will enjoy the cover changes to book 3 because we think it really enhances the look!! Enjoy!
Friday, September 3, 2010
And the Winner is????
For those of you who missed it, we held a contest here today to give away the Season 2 DVD of 90210 in honor of 90210 day! To win the DVD contestants had to enter their best pick up line they would use to try and pick up actor Matt Lanter, who plays the hottie Liam Court on 90210! When the contest was over we sent the following pick up lines to Matt himself, and let him pick the winner! Check it out!
1. I can be your Bella, can you be my Edward!?
2."Can I take your picture please so I can show Santa what I want for Christmas?"
(In tribute of the scene in Vampire Sucks that had me choke on my popcorn ....)
3. "Matt did you just fart because you BLEW me away!"
4. From the moment I looked into your eyes, something changed inside of me and the only spell I'm under is yours.
5. Has anyone ever told you, your God's gift to women?
6. When I looked into your eyes I found heaven on earth.
7. Can you be the Hershey to my Kiss!
8. I'm a gamergirl looking for my gamerboy. Are you him?
9. Grab your coat you've pulled ;)
10. 'Excuse me, but I think I dropped something!!! MY JAW!!'
11. Damn, if being sexy was a crime, you'd be guilty as charged
12. I bet your tired, because baby you've been running through my mind ALL day(:
13. Whenever I see you my heart races. I hope to win first place.
14. Are you tired? Because you have been running through my dreams all night
15. Hey baby can you bend over cause that view was AMAZING! (And you could finish with my fav from Vampires suck) I mean cause I have never been to first base.......
16. I can feel the attraction between you and me and it's more than just The Force pulling us together
17. I'm attracted to you like a gnat to a lightsaber.
18. Hey Matt. That outfit would look great in a crumpled heap next to my bed ;)
19. "I have never been to first base before. We you help get me there?"
20. "If I told you that your body was smoking hot, would you hold it against me?"
So who was the lucky winner? Well, here is what Matt had to say about it (via Twitter):
MattLanter: @LMWeatherford hahaha I love 17... 20 good too though!! I'll guess I'll go with 20 :)
Congratulations Val!! You are the pick up line choice of the day by Matt Lanter and the winner of the full season of 90210!
To Claim your prize please send an email with a valid shipping address to
Thanks to EVERYONE who participated!! You can check out more about Matt and WHY we feature him so much on this site by clicking the 'Matt Lanter' link in the toolbar at the top of this page. And don't forget to watch Matt when 90210 Season 3 premieres on Sept 13th on the CW!
1. I can be your Bella, can you be my Edward!?
2."Can I take your picture please so I can show Santa what I want for Christmas?"
(In tribute of the scene in Vampire Sucks that had me choke on my popcorn ....)
3. "Matt did you just fart because you BLEW me away!"
4. From the moment I looked into your eyes, something changed inside of me and the only spell I'm under is yours.
5. Has anyone ever told you, your God's gift to women?
6. When I looked into your eyes I found heaven on earth.
7. Can you be the Hershey to my Kiss!
8. I'm a gamergirl looking for my gamerboy. Are you him?
9. Grab your coat you've pulled ;)
10. 'Excuse me, but I think I dropped something!!! MY JAW!!'
11. Damn, if being sexy was a crime, you'd be guilty as charged
12. I bet your tired, because baby you've been running through my mind ALL day(:
13. Whenever I see you my heart races. I hope to win first place.
14. Are you tired? Because you have been running through my dreams all night
15. Hey baby can you bend over cause that view was AMAZING! (And you could finish with my fav from Vampires suck) I mean cause I have never been to first base.......
16. I can feel the attraction between you and me and it's more than just The Force pulling us together
17. I'm attracted to you like a gnat to a lightsaber.
18. Hey Matt. That outfit would look great in a crumpled heap next to my bed ;)
19. "I have never been to first base before. We you help get me there?"
20. "If I told you that your body was smoking hot, would you hold it against me?"
So who was the lucky winner? Well, here is what Matt had to say about it (via Twitter):
MattLanter: @LMWeatherford hahaha I love 17... 20 good too though!! I'll guess I'll go with 20 :)
Congratulations Val!! You are the pick up line choice of the day by Matt Lanter and the winner of the full season of 90210!
To Claim your prize please send an email with a valid shipping address to
Thanks to EVERYONE who participated!! You can check out more about Matt and WHY we feature him so much on this site by clicking the 'Matt Lanter' link in the toolbar at the top of this page. And don't forget to watch Matt when 90210 Season 3 premieres on Sept 13th on the CW!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
New Author Blog
Lacey has a new author blog now that is in conjunction with a book review page that she has started! Be sure to go over there and follow her for some fun posts and good reviews! The Delusional Diaries (of Lacey Weatherford)
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
New story clip
There is a new story clip on the Vance Mangum page. You can find it under the Character Stories tab in the toolbar. Be aware though...there is a spoiler alert on this one! If you haven't read book one you may want to skip over this one!
Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Of Witches and Warlocks webpage has some new friends and you are going to love them!
Have you been dying to get your hands on the next book? Well here is a little something to help give you a fix while you wait. Welcome to the new Character Stories pages!! You can locate the link to these pages in the main toolbar acroos the top of this page. The Character Stories pages will feature reading snippets of scenes that were not included in the book, are prequels, or are scenes you have read but from a different characters point of view. Lacey will be writing new scenes along the way so be sure to keep checking back for new posts.
Also, try out your Of Witches and Warlocks knowledge in the quiz on these pages.
These pages are interactive. Please feel free to leave suggestions/comments about scenes you would like to see.
Don't forget to grab a Vance Mangum Fan Club button, and if you follow "Vance" on his page as well, you will be alerted when new story posts are made!
Have fun! Enjoy reading!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Contracts for Blood of the White Witch!
It's official!! Book 3 Blood of the White Witch is now under contract and on it's way to being published! We will let you know the estimated release date as soon as we have it!!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Back cover blurb for Blood of the White Witch!
When love came knocking on the door of novice witch, Portia Mullins, in the form of handsome bad boy, Vance Mangum, she had no idea how quickly the attraction between them would escalate. Now she finds her relationship with Vance taken to a whole new level, in a way she had never dreamed possible at this point and time of her life. Yet even as the personal connection between them explodes, the two quickly find themselves in a world of shifting balances. While searching for Vance’s missing mother, they realize they are suddenly unsure of who to trust, learning that sometimes things are not always as they appear. When Vance’s demon characteristics abruptly begin to resurface again without warning, the horrible truth comes out, crashing down upon them and shattering some of their most precious dreams. Once the deadly secret is uncovered, Portia and Vance find themselves hastily rushing against the hands of time in an attempt to stop an ancient ritual from being performed. But will they be successful before fate reaches out to twist them cruelly, possibly separating them and changing magic forever? Passion, loyalties, powers, and family ties, will all be tested when dangerous adventures abound in this third installment in the Of Witches and Warlocks series, Blood of the White Witch.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
On Goodreads!
Lacey Weatherford is now an official Goodreads Author! You can check out her profile plus the many reviews on the Of Witches and Warlocks series there now, by following this link:
Saturday, July 31, 2010
And The Winner Is....!
Thanks to all of you who stopped by and took the time to vote for your favorite cover image for book three, Blood of the White Witch. There was a clear winner in the vote, cover one which raked in 61% of the vote, followed by cover two at 21%, and cover three bringing up the rear at 17 %.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Meet Matt!
New appearance/signing listed for actor Matt Lanter on the Of Witches and Warlocks Matt Lanter page! Click on his name in the tool bar above!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Win an autographed copy of books 1 an 2!
A wonderful book review site, The Bookish Snob, is hosting a give away for signed copies of book one, The Trouble with Spells, and book two, The Demon Kiss, the first two books in the Of Witches and Warlocks series. Don't miss this opportunity to become acquainted with the magical world of novice witch, Portia Mullins, and her ever-so-hot bad boy, Vance Mangum. To enter the giveaway please go to the following link and follow the instructions given there after clicking on the 'Cool Giveaways' tab. Be sure to check out the other fun pages as well, which include many book reviews, author links, and a fun new dating game that pairs up some of the HOTTEST guys in YA Paranormal reading ever! (Yes...Vance is one of them!) And, of course, we at Of Witches and Warlocks would like to give a special shout out to The Bookish Snob for the huge support of this series! Thank You!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
New review links
Of Witches and Warlocks: the Trouble with Spells is now on tour! For more details on how you can read it for FREE check out the review links on the media webpage!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Big Upcoming Event!
Next Of Witches and Warlocks book signing will be at the Grand Opening of the new Show Low Public Library in Show Low AZ.on Tuesday, August 17, 2010 from 1-6 PM. Don't miss this fabulous opportunity to come check out this huge beautiful new library and also the art exhibit, as well as other authors who will be in attendance at this event!
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Also there are a lot of new reviews and blog features on the media/reader reviews pages. Be sure to check those out! VOTE CLOSED!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
New Look!
We have a new web page design rocking here as well as a couple new things. There is now a MEDIA dedicated page that has the links posted to past television/radio/blog interviews and reviews as well as a spot for upcoming events. So be sure to check that page to see what you might have missed or what is coming in the way of future appearances. There is also a new sample chapter being added for The Demon Kiss so be sure to check that out as well. We hope you will enjoy the new look and have fun navigating through the site!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Now Available in E-book!
Of Witches and Warlocks: The Trouble With Spells is now available as an E-book! The price for the book is a flat fee of $9.95! No shipping or taxes to add to it! To purchase this book as an E-book simply click on the following link or on the book cover titled E-book! Happy Reading!!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
We have a winner!
Congratulations to Denise Soria of Lodi, California on being the winner of our give away contest! Thank you so much to all of you who entered!! Keep checking back for more special offers!!
Special Thanks!
Special thanks to the Safford Public Library for hosting our book signing today! And a very special thanks to everyone who attended! It was great to visit with everyone!!
Monday, April 12, 2010
The Demon Kiss Promo!
Check out the new promo video for The Demon Kiss by clicking on the You Tube tab on the top of the page or by following this link!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Thank You!
I would like to thank the wonderful book manager Peter, and the staff at the Hastings Bookstore in Lake Havasu City. All were so kind and helpful with the book signing there. The store was very nice and as well as having a friendly and efficient staff the customers were also very friendly as well!
I had a great time getting to meet and visit with all of the people who came for the book signing! Thank you so much, and thank you for asking me to come back again with book two! I will do my best!
I would also like to thank the newspaper in Lake Havasu for the article they ran on me and my book in the paper! It was much appreciated!
Lacey Weatherford
April 4. 2010
I had a great time getting to meet and visit with all of the people who came for the book signing! Thank you so much, and thank you for asking me to come back again with book two! I will do my best!
I would also like to thank the newspaper in Lake Havasu for the article they ran on me and my book in the paper! It was much appreciated!
Lacey Weatherford
April 4. 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
New Book Signing/New Distributor!
Lacey will be off to Lake Havasu City, AZ. this weekend for a book signing at the Hastings Bookstore from 11am-2pm. Come on by if you are in the area!
We would also like to welcome Susan Mann from Scotland to the Of Witches and Warlocks team!! Susan will be distributing The Trouble with Spells for us over in the UK! Thanks so much Susan! We are thrilled to have you on board!
We would also like to welcome Susan Mann from Scotland to the Of Witches and Warlocks team!! Susan will be distributing The Trouble with Spells for us over in the UK! Thanks so much Susan! We are thrilled to have you on board!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Special Thanks!
I wanted to get on and say Thank You to the Hastings in Flagstaff, AZ for hosting my book signing yesterday! Also, thank you to the people who purchased a book, and I really enjoyed getting to visit with all of you! Hope to see you again someday!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Thank you!
I just wanted to say "Thank you!" to host Traci Green from Catch That Book Radio for having me on her show! It was a lot of fun! If you missed the interview and want to listen follow this link to Catch That Book radio and click on the Featured Episode!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Meet The Models
Be sure to check out our new Meet The Models page by clicking on the tab at the top of the page. We are very excited to have these two talented individuals to help us promote the "look" of main characters Vance Mangum and Portia Mullins!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Special Thanks!
I just wanted to thank everybody over at The Parafactor Paranormal Radio for having me on the show last night! The interview was a lot of fun...okay fans tell me it was hilarious...but I really did have a great time! I have to say I certainly had some questioned asked to me that I have never considered before in my life!LOL Thank you for the open invitation to return when my second book comes out! That was very kind of you!
For any of you fans who missed the interview, The Parafactor posts links on their page to the shows. They are usually pretty good about getting those up quickly, so if you want to hear the interview you can check for the link at , or if possible I will try to embed the link on here somewhere.
Catch my next radio interview on Catch That Book Radio program on March 16th!
Thanks a bunch!!
Lacey Weatherford
February 26, 2010
For any of you fans who missed the interview, The Parafactor posts links on their page to the shows. They are usually pretty good about getting those up quickly, so if you want to hear the interview you can check for the link at , or if possible I will try to embed the link on here somewhere.
Catch my next radio interview on Catch That Book Radio program on March 16th!
Thanks a bunch!!
Lacey Weatherford
February 26, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Thank you!
We would like to thanks the Show Low Public Library and the City4 Television for having us as guests recently to tape a segment about Of Witches and Warlocks! They were very kind to us and the interview was a lot of fun! The television spot will air in March on cable TV and we will post the links for web viewing on this page when we get them.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
We Have A Winner!
Congratulations to JADE TEO, our new friend from overseas and our very first INTERNATIONAL winner of one of our Of Witches and Warlocks give aways! We are very excited!
We would like to thank all of you who participated in our Valentine's Day GiveAway (there were a lot!) and we hope that you will keep checking back for news, events, and promotional things to come in the future! Thanks for your support!
We would like to thank all of you who participated in our Valentine's Day GiveAway (there were a lot!) and we hope that you will keep checking back for news, events, and promotional things to come in the future! Thanks for your support!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Book Signing Event A Success!
We would like to thank all of the lovely people who stopped by to make our Snowflake AZ book siging a huge success! It was great getting to visit with you!
We would also like to thank the wonderful staff at the Snowflake Public Library. They were so kind and helpful to us in arranging this event, not to mention the promotional help they gave us too! What a great library!
We took a few pictures throughout the night, and though we were unable get pics of all who came, we have posted the ones we did get in a small video that is viewable on our YouTube tab at the top of the page.
Keep checking our Media Events column in the sidebar for more event action!
The Staff @ Of Witches and Warlocks
We would also like to thank the wonderful staff at the Snowflake Public Library. They were so kind and helpful to us in arranging this event, not to mention the promotional help they gave us too! What a great library!
We took a few pictures throughout the night, and though we were unable get pics of all who came, we have posted the ones we did get in a small video that is viewable on our YouTube tab at the top of the page.
Keep checking our Media Events column in the sidebar for more event action!
The Staff @ Of Witches and Warlocks
Monday, January 11, 2010
Contest Winner!
Congratulations to Felecia McHone of Idaho Falls! She is the winner of the autographed copy of book one Of Witches and Warlocks: The Trouble with Spells!
Thanks to ALL of the rest of you who entered! Keep checking back for book signings, updates, and other promotional events!
Posted 1/11/10
Thanks to ALL of the rest of you who entered! Keep checking back for book signings, updates, and other promotional events!
Posted 1/11/10
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year!!
Hope everyone is off to a great start this year! We are looking forward to our official release date, (January 10!) anxious to get the book into the hands of fans who previously didn't have access to it. As a little Happy New Year fun, Lacey has allowed us to post a sample chapter here on the webpage for potential readers to view. It is Chapter four from the book and you can find it on the new tab at the top of the page. So sit back, read up, and enjoy the new year!
Happy 2010 from the staff at Of Witches and Warlocks
Posted 1/1/10
Happy 2010 from the staff at Of Witches and Warlocks
Posted 1/1/10
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