Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Official Release Day! Of Witches and Warlocks: The Dark Rising!!

Official Release Day! Of Witches and Warlocks: The Dark Rising!!

That's right!! *The day is finally here!*  No more waiting around to find out what is going on in the world of Vance and Portia! No more frantic emails inquiring about the release date!  It's here and it's yours!  Here's the blurb, the teaser, and early reviews for your enjoyment!!  OH YEAH! There's a GIVEAWAY now too! :D

Official Blurb:
When Portia Mullins discovers the love of her life is still alive her heart soars. But reality sets in immediately causing it to plummet when she realizes he doesn’t remember his past life with her. Unwilling to give up, she embarks on a loving quest to restore his life to him.
Vance Mangum sees the beautiful girl claiming to be his wife, and while he can’t remember her, he can’t deny the intense pull he feels between them. Not knowing where else to turn, he agrees to give her the time she’s asked for and to assist her in the effort to recover his memories.
The two quickly reconnect, but dark surprises are lurking in the wings when Vance discovers a desperate longing for something he feels he can’t withstand. Will he be able to resist? Or will evil raise its head in a new form, leaving Portia as the prey of the very man her heart desires?
Darkness reigns supreme in this haunting tale of love and desperation, Of Witches and Warlocks, The Dark Rising.

Before I could flip on the light, Vance suddenly grabbed me from behind, turning me to face him so he could kiss me again. I wrapped my arms around him and he pushed me backward, never breaking his kiss with me while he moved in the general direction of the door. My back hit the wall when we reached it, but he didn’t stop kissing me. His hands were everywhere, in my hair, on my face, down my body, around my waist.
I disconcertedly searched for the door behind me.
"I love you," he said to me in the darkness just as my hand found the knob, and I noticed his eyes were glowing again.
"I love you too," I replied, twisting the handle. The door popped open with abruptness and we fell though the opening together onto the kitchen floor.
I started laughing and he followed suit.
"Are you okay?" he asked, his body strewn out across the top of me.
"Yes," I replied in a fit of giggles. "Are you?"
"I’m feeling pretty good right about now," he said with his sexy grin smiling back at me.
Someone in the room cleared their throat. We both glanced up to find my dad standing over us with an amused look.
"It’s nice to see things are getting back to normal around here," he said. "Surely though, there are better places than the kitchen floor."
I must've blushed twelve shades of red and Vance quickly hopped off of me, unable to keep the laughter from spilling out of him. He reached a hand out, pulling me up behind him.
"I would say I’m sorry about that," Vance said, turning to my dad. "But I’m not." He pulled me up against him and kissed me lightly one more time before he reached out to smooth some of my tangled hair.
My dad smiled at us. "As weird as this may sound, I wasn’t unhappy to see it," he replied with a knowing look. 

Praise for The Dark Rising:

“Wow! What a trip this book was … a roller coaster ride of emotions, The Dark Rising turns out to be Vance and Portia's biggest challenge yet. There are so many twists and turns in this book, you will not be able to put in down! I'm not sure how much longer I can wait until I read the final book in this series!” ~Tishia Mackey, Paranormal Opinion

"Dark and deadly dangerous. This fourth installment in the fantastic Of Witches and Warlocks series is filled with love and passion and loyalty. Twists and turns abound, leading to a completely unexpected conclusion. I just couldn't put it down!" ~ Kim Deister, The Caffeinated Diva

“Once again, Lacey Weatherford has demonstrated her ability to craft a magnificent tale that is dark and dangerous, but filled with love and hope. Of Witches and Warlocks continues with The Dark Rising and Wow! You are not ready for this one! Hold on for the ride of your life! Wonderfully written. Couldn't put it down!” ~ Beverly Sharp, The Wormhole Book Blog

“Lacey Weatherford cast a spell on me ever since she penned The Trouble With Spells. The Dark Rising is about recovery, recollection and reconnection. There is heartbreak, hope, action, and blindsiding twists to satisfy any reader, but it is Weatherford's signature style of being such an unabashedly romantic that has me firmly attached and invested in these characters.” ~ Laurie Treacy, Reader Girls

"You can't help but fall in love with all the characters. There is this raw vitality in them that just appeals to us all! This epic journey is sure to leave you breathless and wondering when you decided to sit on this roller coaster of emotions!" - Sana Noor from Breathing Books

"Watch out world...while everyone has been giving gushy sighs over Edward and Jacob, a new hot bad boy has arrived on the scene. Be prepared to lose your heart all over again to the sexy confidence and swagger of Vance Mangum. If you love the romance of the Vampire Academy series, or the evil deliciousness of The Vampire Diaires, you do not want to miss The Dark Rising. This book takes the Of Witches and Warlocks series from AWESOME to EPIC!" Belinda Boring, The Bookish Snob & The Romance Reviews.

The Dark Rising is available in both ebook and print formats.  The books will be distributing over the next sevral weeks to various stores, but these links are currently active!

PRINT Createspace
EBOOK Amazon Kindle
EBOOK New to the Of Witches and Warlocks series? Then come comment on Lacey Weatherford Books on July 19th during the Menage A Blog event and get an ecopy of book one in the series, The Trouble With Spells, for free!

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